Wednesday 17 July 2013

Passport to Art Day 17

If you want to join in with making an altered book through the month of July click through to the Passport to Art challenge blog.

Here on this blog I am going to share how I made the page for today's prompt.  Pergamum is the next stop on the virtual tour.  And today's challenge is to add a paper napkin to the page.

I have enough pages left in my book to be able to use both the part page on the left and all of the page on the right.

I really love this tulip napkin.

I tore round the the tulips and then separated the top layer.  I coated the page with gel medium and put the napkin on top.  Then I used more gel medium over the top with a brush to press out the wrinkles.

When I came to tear off the masking tape it took some of the page with it.  It was a new roll and obviously wasn't the low tack variety.  I cut some strips from a page that I had torn out of the book and then realise that I could use this as an opportunity to attach the tag.  I used double sided tape to stick most of the map strip down, leaving just enough not stuck down to be able to use this footprint paperclip.

I inked the tag with similar colours to the tulip and stamped it lightly with the embossing folder.  I wrote my journaling on the back of the tag.

Thanks for stopping by.

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