Wednesday 24 July 2013

Passport to Art Day 24

If you want to join in with making an altered book through the month of July click through to the Passport to Art challenge blog.

Here on this blog I am going to share how I made the page for today's prompt.  Today's journaling prompts are about what you believe in and the challenge was to add stitching to the page - real or faux.

Yesterday I turned the folds to this side.

I put double-sided tape to stick the centre down to form pockets.

I took the page I had left over from Day 21 and cut it into a triangle.

I used a zigzag stitch stamp to make it look like I had sewn it.  I stencilled on the small tags and inked round the edges.  I stuck the verse and the quote on the page.

Thanks for stopping by.

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