Saturday, 20 July 2013

Passport to Art Day 20

If you want to join in with making an altered book through the month of July click through to the Passport to Art challenge blog.

Here on this blog I am going to share how I made the page for today's prompt.  The theme for today is disobedience with inspiration from a poem by A A Milne.  The technique involces watercolour paint and bubble wrap.

Here are the next pages in my book.  There is a folded page on the right.

I decided to do the technique challenge on a separate piec of paper and stick it into my book.  I used the Dylusions inks on some cheap watercolour paper.  I sprayed the paper with water and then with the inks.

 I  used big bubble wrap on it.

I didn't get a particularly striking result.

So I wet the page again with water and put small bubble wrap on it.

While that was drying I put the double sided tape on the folded page to make pockets for two tags.

The bubble wrap lift looked okay while it was still wet but dried to almost nothing so I sprayed White Linen through a stencil to get the effect I was looking for.

I cut the paper to size and and stuck it into my book and put a vertical piece of map paper.   I also sprayed inked the tag.

I stamped the arrow round the edge and on the tag.  I stamped the globe and the butterfly collage then added butterfly stickers.  I cut up the verse and the quote it, inked tham and stuck them on.

Thanks for stopping by.

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