Wednesday, 18 November 2015

More in my Venice workbook

Last week I showed you the gelli prints I had made using Michelle Ward's stencils.  I scanned some of them into my computer which enabled me to print them in different sizes.

When I was doing the gelli prints I put the excess paint on the stencils into my sketchbook.

These pages also have bits of stencils pressed on the paper.

I cut up parts of a gelli print and glued it only at the top on the left hand page.  I may stick the strips down completely but at the moment they can be picked up so that I can do something underneath if I wish.  I printed out the quarter size image of the original I had just cut up and stuck it down on the right hand page.

This page consists of gelli prints using the same stencil.  The top image was printed on paper and the lower one is on Deli paper.

I had dyed two pages with fabric dye and I rather like the contrast between the dark gelli print and the bright page.

I cut out parts of the print and stuck down the negative and positive.

I cut out the quatrefoil shape from another print on Deli paper and stuck them down.  I drew round all the shapes with a black pen which grounds the shapes on the page.

All of these pages need more work and I will blog my progress.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. These backgrounds are fabulous. I love the architectural elements of your stencils.

  2. I have so enjoyed reading your recent blogposts, building on the brief conversation we had at Art from the Heart last weekend. Your writing and photos, together with the links, have been really informative, inspirational and.............have got me trying something new. Jenny

  3. Bernice, so fun to see what you're doing with the stencils!


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