Friday, 6 November 2015

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness

Autumn.  Or Fall as it is known in the United States.  Apparently in Britain in the 16th century we tended to use the words 'fall of the leaf' or 'fall of the year' to describe the season and in the 17th century the word Fall was taken with those that emigrated to North America.  The word Fall fell out of use here and we embraced the word Autumn.

New England is famous for the colour of the leaves during the Fall and I have been privileged to be able to visit twice.  This year however we decided to make a much shorter trip and visited Westonbirt Arboretum.

I was a little snap happy!

And on the way home we had lunch at this really lovely pub called The Tunnelhouse Inn.

And found this amazing tunnel entrance to a disused canal.

In the meantime, the Maple in our backgarden hadn't done too badly for colour.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Breath taking!! I didn't realise how the origin of 'Fall' came about, how interesting. I am fascinated by the early settlers in New England. Have you ever read The Winthrop Woman? A wonderful book.
    I feel like autumn and the beautiful colours are passing me by as I have not got out with my camera to capture it properly. I will enjoy looking at yours!

    1. Yes I read The WInthrop Woman a long time ago. I had forgotten about it.

  2. Really stunning. Thanks for sharing

  3. Very beautiful. I love the variety of Japanese maples. I posted a link to your post on FB so others could enjoy the fall colors. Peace and blessings!

  4. WOW - This Florida girl is drinking her coffee and now has had her breakfast feast of colorful beauty. We do have an autumn season but the colors are so pale compared to this display you have shared. Thank you so much for a calorie free wonderful breakfast of YUM. That tunnel is amazing - do you know the story behind it? How old it is? It stirs up many questions!

  5. Absolutely breathtaking pictures, Bernice! I love all of the! Thanks for sharing. What an amazing Creator!


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