Monday, 23 November 2015

My favourite blogs

Thank you so much to everyone who reads my blog.  I really appreciate that you give some time to reading my witterings.  Thank you also to those of you who leave a comment.  I've yet to work out how you would know if I left you a reply.  If any of you use Blogger and know the answer to this please let me know.  Thanks.

I thought I would introduce you to some of the blogs I follow.  So, in no particular order:

Me, with my head in the clouds
Mary's blog is a delight.  She shows her amazing photographs and her art work.  I particularly love her art style.

I love Sandie's mix of photographs, phototutorials and information about classes and retreats.  I found the 30 day blogging challenge on Sandie's blog.  Sandie and I went owl spotting in Birmingham in the summer.

I love to read Everyday Life of a Suburban SAHM.  There's a great mix of photographs and amusing stories.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

I love to visit Valerie Sjodin's blog Visual Blessings.  She shares her amazing artwork.  Valerie did a piece of artwork especially for a Gratitude blog challenge I set up last year.  This is her guest post on Walk.

The things that attract me to follow blogs - and I have 53 listed on Feedly - are photographs and artwork and photographs and creativity and photographs and photo tutorials and photographs.

And that sums up my blog too!

What attracts you to read a blog on a regular basis?

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a lovely surprise to see my blog included here, Bernice, thank you!!

    Photography comes high on my list too, a long with stories that go with them, and ideas that spark me.

    I love travel and creativity, and a chance to learn or share. So when these all come together with posts that make me think or excited I am more likely to follow a blog.

  2. I am so glad to be on your favorite list. :) Thanks Bernice!

  3. I love that art by Valerie. Thanks for sharing some of your fav blogs for finding inspiration.
    I use blogger too. I have mine set up to receive comments by e-mail. Unless a person has her comments set to "no reply", I am able to respond to comments by e-mail. At least to my knowledge, the only way for me to see your responses on your blog would be to come back and search through your comments for each post i commented on. Usually too much trouble unless i have asked a specific question i want answered. setting up to receive comments by email works for me.

    1. Thanks Teresa. I too get the comments sent to me. It's a shame that email is the only way to respond although it has occurred to me to write the reply here so everyone can see it and email as well. Thanks for your comments.


I would love you to leave me an encouraging comment. Don't forget to put your name. I love to know who is commenting. Thank you.