Thursday, 19 November 2015

52 Card Pickup

Day 3 of the Seth Apter workshops at Art from the Heart was his most popular class 52 Card Pickup.

We had been asked to coat both sides of a deck of playing cards before we went to the workshop.  We started by putting a layer of paint onto both sides of all of the cards.

Then we stencilled.

The covers

Here they are just piled up!

Then we stamped

 And here is the 'journal' with the covers and the ribbon to hold them altogether.

I managed to complete 5 small collages in during the class.  Only another 47 to go!

The idea behind the 52 Card Pickup is that you choose one card each week and journal on the back.   Or you can just collage on the back.  Or whatever you want.  For now I'm just going to concentrate on getting collages on one side of every card and then decide.   I'll let you know.

And of course I never leave Art from the Heart without spending money.  My credit card quivers at the mere thought of the visit!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a great idea for making such a darling little journal.

  2. Looks like it was huge fun and just my kind of thing. I have a huge collection of playing cards, makes me want to go put on black gesso! Laughed when I saw what you bought, I used those shades of red and green acrylic paint yesterday for my house project.

  3. Looks like it was a great time! I look forward to seeing what you do on you cards. :)

  4. Love to see all the cards together. And great cover!

  5. Thank you for documenting the start of your project! I bet your full 52 card journal turned out amazing!


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