Monday, 30 November 2015

Thank you

Today is day 30 of the 30 day blog challenge.  Thank you so much for hanging in there with me over the month of November.

The 30 day challenge is organised by Sarah Arrow and Kevin Arrow who not only send a daily email with great ideas but are available to give advice in the Facebook group.

Whilst much of what is taught is about making your business blog more visible I have learned about things that are valuable to my personal blog.  In addition you get to see a much wider range of blogs from the links posted in the Facebook group.

I signed up because my friend Sandie Cottee announced she was doing the challenge.

I schedule my blog to post at 3.30am - which does confuse some people who seem to think that I get up at 3.30am to click the button!  As a consequence of this timing I couldn't receive the email (it arrives for me betwen 7 and 8pm), write an appropriate post and catch the 3.30 posting.  Yes I know I could change the time but then I would have to alter the blog email timing and I've been doing it this way for several years so why change!

In any case what I like to do is think!  Think about how I am going to tackle the challenge! Think about what to write!  See if I'm going to ignore that day's challenge because it doesn't fit with my topic for that post.

It has worked well for me to have signed up and received the first email on October 19th and start the challenge on November 1st.  It gave me thinking time and enabled me to add a particular day's challenge to a different day's post.

What have I learned from the challenge?
  • I can complete a challenge - this is quite important as I am not much of a finisher of things.
  • Setting myself weekly topics has helped to keep me accountable with some of the projects I started eg my Venice Sketchbook and the Colour Theory Journal.
  • That I blog for myself - almost a diary of what I am up to - rather than writing for a specific audience.  That said, I'm so glad that so many of you are interested in what I ramble on about and stick with me.
  • That an editorial calendar is a really useful planning tool.
So, will I blog everyday from now on?

No.   However if I set myself another challenge or I set up an art challenge blog then you may see daily posts in the future.  For now, I'm thinking regular postings possibly 3 or 4 days each week.

Thanks to Sarah and Kevin and their generosity in sharing their knowledge.  Thanks to Sandie who encouraged me to keep going.  And thanks to all of you who read my blog and to those of you who have left comments.

Thanks for stopping by

And finally a question?
Which has been your favourite post during the last 30 days?


  1. Yay! You did it! Well done. Make sure you find your way into the graduates group x

  2. Congratulations. I'm sure regular blogging feels pretty easy to accomplish now, doesn't it? this past summer a friend invited me into a daily drawing challenge and it really helped me to gain confidence and hone my skills. It is so nice that we can challenge each other and cheer each other on as well.

    1. I thought I had left a comment here but must have read on my mobile and decided to do it on my computer later. Anyway, big congratulations on completing the 30 days Bernice! I know from experience that it takes a lot of time and effort, and it is such a sense of achievement.
      There were a few posts that stood out for me. I liked the colour theory posts, and the one about who has inspired you. There was one walk I especially enjoyed, and I also enjoyed seeing your Venice pages come together. All in all, a good interesting mix which is what I like.


I would love you to leave me an encouraging comment. Don't forget to put your name. I love to know who is commenting. Thank you.