Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Venice workbook update

During this last week I have been using my Gelli plate.  I have been thinking about my Venice project for a while so I had already bought various tubes of acrylic paint in Venice type colours and purchased the Michelle Ward stencils I told you about.

I watched a couple of Carolyn Dube videos on Gelli Printing (an online class) to get the juices flowing and then launched into playing.  The thing about using this type of monoprinting is that you never know what you are going to end up with.  It is also totally addictive so you may need to set a time limit on your play time.   Here are just a few of the results.  These are the ones I liked best but there is a pile of other prints which I will cut up to put in my sketchbook/workbook.

The scanner decided not to scan the whole page!

The scanner decided this was a black & white image although there is some of the peachy colour showing on the original.

This one will probably be printed over again but I wanted to scan the original so I can use it to print out.  I may well print over some of the others shown here.  That's the joy of scanning or photographing your work as you go along.  You can always print out what you've done before.

I don't tend to clean my stencils - I put the painted stencil down onto a piece of paper or in a journal and get the excess off but then leave it.  I really loved the effect on this stencil so took a photograph.  It may well appear in my sketchbook.

During this next week I'll use some of these prints in my sketchbook and show you what I have done next Wednesday.  See you then.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wonderful! I want to go and get mine out!! This is really coming together Bernice, I look forward to seeing more.

  2. Love that stencil! Your prints are wonderful!

  3. Absolutely love this post - your prints came out fabulously!

  4. Great pulls! These are wonderful Bernice!


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