Saturday, 7 November 2015

TMD: Rewind November week 1

The theme for ReWind this week at Take Me Deeper on His Kingdom Come is Family.  This was the theme for June.  I didn't do the pages in June but caught up in September.

I have just bought some Gelatos and decided I would try them out in my TMD journal without having tried them anywhere else.  I watched a couple of YouTube videos and then went for it.

I put gesso on the page and when it was dry I used 6 colours of gelatos to scribble across the top of the page.

I tried to blend them with the foam tool that came with the Gelatos.

Then I sprayed the whole page with water but forgot to take a photo.   At this point I was totally stuck for ideas so I chose two washi tapes that I like and made a border round the page with them.

Then I chose another two washi tapes and randomly stuck them down.

Then I went and re-read the prompt for this week.   The worship video was The Poem of Your Life by Michael Card.

I found the lyrics and printed out the first verse and stuck it on to my page.

Do you like to journal the lyrics of songs?

Thanks for stopping by.

PS And in case you thought I had forgotten the winner of the HKC Birthday Blog prize was
I remember a year ago my daughter Jessica and I had participated in Shonna's Kingdom Come workshop which had been a wonderful experience for the both of us. Then the Advent study started and we jumped on board with that as well. Then the excitement and relief that the being a part of a Christian arty community was available. I am so thankful for the privilege of being a member of HKC community! I appreciate your willingness to share your time, talents and wisdom with us, Bernice! Thank you.


  1. Lovely page, Bernice! I love using song lyrics, some times they convey exactly what you want to say. I am excited and grateful that my comment was chosen. Thank you so much! Gelatos are fun!

  2. "We have become his poetry, a recreated people that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us; for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!" (Ephesians 2:10 The Passion Translation)

  3. Yes, it is fun to journal song lyrics. Great page Bernice!


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