Thursday, 8 August 2013

Make It Personal

I spent two days this week doing a Masterclass called Make It Personal taught by Hilary Beattie.  The masterclass was part of The Festival of Quilts.

So first of all I had to admit to not being a Quilter.  Fortunately there was no sharp intake of breath from some of the ladies in the class.  I had such a lovely painty, messy time.

Before the class we had to choose a theme and Hilary provided us with an amazing pack of inspirational items to go with our theme.  Including Thermofax screens which I had never come across before.

On the first day we painted paper and fabric.  We made stamps and stencils (although I gave up on my stencil) which we used on the fabric and papers - I'm going to call them all papers from now on!

Please bear in mind as you view some of the papers I made that in my head before I picked up a paintbrush all of these papers were going to be in the colour scheme of pale blue and a peachy sand colour!

And really, can you tell that the original image that I worked from was this?

On the second day we could carry on with painting papers or we could move towards design.  Hilary talked to us about putting papers, drawings, photos etc into a sketchbook and moving through our ideas possibly through collage towards designing something using our fabrics and papers.

I skipped that bit and just went to the making something!  I had recently download a book called Bound & Beautiful from Cloth Paper Scissors and there was an idea in there I really liked.  Before I went to the workshop I made a folding book made of 4 inch square canvas.  So I wanted to make 4 inch square pieces to put on it.  I thought it would be good to use log cabin design and collage for two different types of squares. Here are some of my papers and my squares laid out for the 'show and tell' at the end of the workshop.

And here are my squares.

They are nowhere near finished.  They need stitches, beads and buttons put on.  In addition I might not use them to make the folded book.  I may paint some more papers for that - in the colours I meant to work in!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Bernice, you continue to inspire me to try new things. You gave me a good giggle, too. I do appreciate the way you share your art and your experiences with us. Keeps my mind open to new ideas! Please keep doing this. ok? Thank you!!


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