Thursday 22 August 2013

Scavenger Hunt around Munich

I had intended taking part in Rinda's Photo Scavenger Hunt this summer but time has passed since it started at the beginning of June and I hadn't really got into it due to life getting in the way a bit!

And then I thought I could use the list to take photos on our trip to Munich.  I carefully printed out the list and then just as carefully left it at home.  I could remember one or two of the things and I looked up the list on Rinda's blog using my phone but couldn't find a pen to write things down!  So I winged it a bit!  But I seemed to do okay with the photos I took.

I ended up with around 450 photos from our 5 days so using Rinda's list is a great way to show you just a few of the things we saw.

Rather than listing them numerically I'm going to do them by the day.

#3: City Hall or civic building.   Here is the Rathaus in the centre of Munich. Rathaus is German for Council House.

About half way up the tower of the Rathaus is a clock with moving characters.  Here's a rather wobbly video I took.

#8: A Tower.  Munich was full of towers and to take this photo of the communication tower at the Olympic Park we climbed the 306 steps to the top of the Alter Peter Church tower.

We visited two Royal Palaces and Oberammagau.  I'll do a separate post about that.

It rained.  Really, really wet rain and we were soaked.  However I did see these.

#10: A bench outside.

#13: A fence.  I'm hoping railings count as a fence.  This is at Nymphenburg Palace.

From this Palace we went back to the City Centre and visited the Residenz which had this, the Cuvillies Theatre.
#2: Theatre for the performing arts

And so to Tuesday.
We took the train to Augsburg where amongst other things we saw a Cathedral, the house where Mozart's father was born and lots of beautiful buildings.  And there were lots more towers!
#1: An Open Air Market

#14: A stained glass object.  A window in the cathedral.

#17: Candle(s).  This candelabra in the cathedral with a beautiful quilt on the wall behind it.

When we got back to Munich we walked round some of the areas we hadn't done before and went to a Dali exhibition.   Then back to the hotel where I was able to snap

#6: Someone taking a nap.

The last day of our trip.  We started at the Deutsches Museum.
Bonus (or possibly substitute) item: A sundial
There was actually a sundial garden on the roof terrace of the museum!

The museum was amazing.  Absolutely full of technology and I thought I would have to use this rather elegant wind turbine for #16.

However, all was not lost.  Downstairs in the basement in the children's play area was
#16: A windmill.  Who would have thought!

And of course the museum had to have a tower.

And from the roof I was able to take a photo of lots more towers!

In the afternoon we walked through the Englischer Garten and saw these:
#12 A cloud in the shape of something.

I thought this one looked a bit like Popeye but I think the shape had changed by the time I took the photo.  It could be a dragon.

As could this with a bit of imagination .  Or maybe the head of a bird!

And lastly for our trip
#4: Airplane.  It was dark by the time I got airside at the airport so I hope you can make out the aeroplane in this photo.

But to make sure, here's the inside just before we took off.

I'm really pleased with my haul of photos for Rinda's challenge.  Just a few more to collect before September 21st.  Perhaps I'll put the list of what I need into my phone!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Bernice you did amazingly well with the list - love all the photos!

  2. Wow!!! It amazes me that people live in and near such culture and deep history. Everything is so new here in Montana (well, the western civilization stuff, at least)...I hope one day to be able to tour a bit of Europe. I think that would be very perspective shifting. Thanks for giving this peek inside your travels!

  3. Fabulous!!! I love the theatre (which is so gorgeous), the wind turbine, the path with benches, and someone taking a nap. And, LOL, at all the towers!

  4. love how you have captured the list - not many to go now. Looks like you had a fab time.

  5. Brilliant selection of photos for the scavenger hunt, love them all especially the towers (and you got a job lot of them - LOL) BJ

  6. That theatre shot is stunning!

  7. I have loved looking at your photos of Munich especially as my son used to live there until this year and they brought back may happy memories.

  8. Wow what a wonderful collection of photographs. I really like the inside shot of the performing theatre of arts. It has a impact.

  9. Greetings from Rinda's Scavenger Hunt!
    I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed seeing your photos...
    I was born in Munich and have not visited there in many many years
    such a delight your photos are!!!
    Hoping to return again one day...

  10. You did really well in such a short time. That theatre is just beautiful and I loved seeing that huge patchwork quilt.

  11. I think a vacation is the perfect place and time for this scavenger hunt. I love your photo of the towers and really enjoyed seeing a bit of Munich through your camera's lens.

  12. Well done - a holiday, and a photo hunt all at once - brilliant to get so many on one trip.
    Margaret (glitterandglue)

  13. Great to take so many photos on your holiday to Germany! I took a lot in Italy this year!

  14. You did brilliantly with the list - I love the theatre, and so many other great shots. J x

  15. Looks like you had a great time, fab photos :)

  16. You've done really well considering your late start and I think it's the first internal aeroplane shot I've seen.

  17. I really like that second airplane shot - gives a nice change from high in the sky versions :) Munich looks amazing - hope you had a great time.


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